Research & Development Tax Credits
Get Rewarded for Innovation
Companies that create new or improve upon existing products, processes, formulas, or software may be eligible for federal and state research and development (R&D) tax credits. If your company has invested time, money, and resources toward advancing and improving its products or processes, your activities may qualify.
Our seasoned experts will guide you through the stages of an R&D study and help you thoroughly document your entitlement to the credit, in case of an IRS audit.
R&D Study Stages
Assessment and feasibility
Qualification determination and documentation
Credit calculation
Report delivery
Could your business be eligible for R&D tax credits?
Some examples of industries that often qualify for the R&D tax credit include:
Information Technology
Software Development
Tool & Die
Private businesses should note the added value that the R&D tax credit can offer during mergers and acquisitions. Credits can be claimed in one year and taken in another, making it possible to transfer them to a buyer. Some companies claim the R&D credit annually for the specific purpose of enticing an M&A opportunity.
Related Services
Our services can help your company unlock and maximize tax credits, exemptions and abatements.