Transactional Due Diligence
Setting the Stage for a Seamless Transaction
Due Diligence is tremendously important, especially within the context of a business transaction.
Failure to cross your T’s and dot your I’s could result in a disconnect between buyer and seller on valuation, failure to identify and protect against tax and other liabilities or exposures or, simply, a failed transaction or a deal gone wrong.
Quality due diligence across various disciplines is critical to minimize risk and maximize rewards while achieving successful transaction outcomes.
Areas of diligence that CSH can assist with include:
Financial and Tax Diligence and structuring
Human Capital Diligence
Information Technology & Infrastructure Diligence
Operational Diligence
Your Most Trusted Transactional Advisor
Whether you fall on the buy-side or sell-side of the equation, due diligence will help you gain a clearer picture of the potential transaction. The CSH Transaction Advisory team is ready to assist you in achieving transaction success.
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The decision to buy or sell a business is one of the most critical financial decisions you will make.
Comprehensive Support for Every Stage of the Acquisition Process
In many cases, performing sell-side due diligence pays for itself.
Gaining Critical Insights with Accurate Business Valuations